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Land and People

This series started in 2008 with the 100 year birthday celebration of the province of Alberta. It is a commemoration about Alberta, the landscape and the people who inhabited the land and their ancestry, the pioneers and emigrants who cultivated and toiled the land and the workers who built the railroads and industry to transport us into the present technological era.

The paintings are an interaction between landscape and people, each one influenced by each other. The people and their symbols are painted as black and white images, inserted into the colorful sceneries, similar to our lives woven into the background of the Alberta landscape.

The shapes of the imaginary landscape is woven together with colour, flowing simultaneously in dreamlike shapes but are separated by a stark outline. My aim is to break up the landscape into the basics of a flat, hard edged design of rich colours and melodic shapes, eliminating details and unnecessary components.

Click on the image to see a larger version. Please note that some paintings may already be sold.

Railwaymen Treaty No. 7 Birdtail Sioux Alberta Ranching Eagleman Alberta Farming The Fiddler of the Mountains Farm Picnic Hockey in Calgary Middle of the Road Trapper Inukshuk Alberta Bush Pilot Alberta One Room School Starchild Totem Warrior

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